Donkey Time | Earthshine Poetry Journal

It is true that long gray ears
and slow hitches of sound
are a donkey's trademark.




Winter Storm | humana obscura Issue #11

when the cows lie down
birds go deep in the trees

READ MORE | Page 34


Early Gathering of Water | Emerge Literary Journal

If you were clay, you could sleep right here between the roots of the trees
at the top of the hill, where the turtles come to lay their eggs.


What Do Stones Remember? | Emerge Literary Journal

It was here, beneath the rock pile
just below the barn, where the pasture
meets the red maple woods—



Letter to Autumn | Autumn Sky Poetry DAILY

I am not ready
for the last bumble bees
to curl into silence
while the geese fly
the sky lonely of their wingbeats
I am not ready for you
to lean your hips into the last
length of sunshine as you leave

READ MORE | October 16, 2024


With the Rain | humana obscura Issue #10

When the wet tongue of water unfurls…




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Old Friends | Phoebe Literature*

He was there all night in his gray donkey self, standing beside the covered body of his friend while the snow fell. Coyotes yipped from the hills but stayed back. Deer came through, and shied away, leaving only their startle tracks in the snow. Each must have smelled the warmth of new death on the winter winds.

*Old Friends was a finalist in Phoebe Literature’s 2024 nonfiction contest



Old Horse | River Teeth’s Beautiful Things

His bones have a hold on the earth, with sinew and muscle built from the hills, corded and bunched over his shoulders and haunches. Along the edges of bramble rose and burdocks, he flushed wild turkeys into flight in front of him, like a ship scattering schools of fish before its bow.




Letting the Garden Be | The Journal of Wild Culture

“Once there was a sagging shelf of books that told me the perfect way to make soil. They told me a scientific process so specific it gave me an ache and internal paralysis with the worry of doing it wrong. The books were so certain.

In the garden when I was working in the rain the books got wet and muddy and torn. To protect them I left them on the shelf. One might say I let go, and the garden and I were better for it.




Hair Thief: Kleptotrichy | Seneca Park Zoo*

The hillside cupped my back
with warm grass and stillness,
lulled me with rock dreams and rooted self
until the quiet took me gently in
the palms of sleep.

*Hair Thief was a finalist in the 2023 Seneca Park Zoo Nature Poetry Contest for emerging poets.



Nature-Based Therapies | Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Rehabilitation
A comprehensive review of currently available scientific information relating to complementary and alternative therapies and rehabilitation. 1st Edition, Author: Eric Leskowitz

Refer to Chapter 21 for “Nature-Based Therapies” by Rebecca Reynolds Weil.